Sourcing Fonts

To aid designers and to stimulate the design of new fonts, Boutros™ has introduced an innovative design-sourcing programme. Designers are encouraged to submit their font designs for constructive evaluation. Successful designers will get a commercial agreement for every selected font, covering income from sales as well as the latest DTP products courtesy of GraphEast. New fonts will be promoted through the Boutros™ worldwide distribution network and established marketing contacts.
Examples of fonts developed in this way include Boutros "Ahlam" and Boutros "Abla" illuminated typefaces. The quality and clarity of these fonts are exceptional and they are only available through Boutros™ and its partners.
The latest in this sourcing programme is Boutros "Maghribi", based on the type characteristics found in most text books using Maghribi script. Designed to meet the needs of the DTP world of today, its thickness and weight construction took into consideration the need for legibility and balance as well as respecting the design rules necessary to maintain its calligraphic identity.